Cronos for Turkey & Syria


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Materiaal om op te sturen naar Oekraïne?


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Jobaanbieding voor Oekraïners?

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Laatste updates en info over Oekraïne:

We need you!

The earthquake in Turkey and Syria is taking a heavy toll. With more than 20,000 dead and nearly 70,000 injured, it is one of the most devastating earthquakes in the last 10 years. And the number of casualties continues to rise.

International aid has been set up the past few days, but weather conditions and geographical challenges mean we are facing a humanitarian disaster.
De Cronos Groep wants to help where possible again. Apart from a financial donation from the group, we are counting on your massive support for relief supplies.

How can you help?

Due to the heavy snowfall in the affected areas, we are focusing on collecting the following supplies:

  • Tents
  • Warm blankets (down, fleece, etc)
  • Sleeping bags for babies, children, and adults
  • Warm winter clothing for babies, children, and adults (shoes, clothes, gloves, scarves, hats, etc).
  • Supplies specifically for babies: powdered milk formula, bottles, nappies, etc.

We do not collect summer clothes or toys.

As with past relief campaigns, Cronos Care is coordinating the collection. All help supplies are welcome every office day from 09.00-17.00h in the warehouse at Veldkant 39, Kontich.

We are still collecting goods until Thursday afternoon 16/02 17h. On Friday, 17/02 we will bring everything to de Heizel in Brussels, where the city of Brussels has deployed volunteers to sort all goods, pack them in boxes and load them into trucks, so that everything can go on transport to Turkey and Syria on Saturday 18/02.

Heartfelt thanks in advance!

“Peace” (vrede) is één van de 5 P’s die de Verenigde Naties uitdraagt als duurzaamheidsmodel.

De Cronos Groep werkt actief mee aan het bevorderen van deze 5 P’s en zet met dit initiatief mee in op de Duurzame Ontwikkelingsdoelstelling 16: Het bevorderen van vrede, veiligheid en sterke publieke diensten.


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